Cliente: Mc Donald’s Duração: 60” e versões
Produtora: Ocean Films
Produto: Institucional Veiculação: 12 meses / Mundial
Midia eletrônica: todas as mídias eletrônicas
When we say “teen”, that means they must actually be AND look like a teen. We can’t have a 12 year old who looks 16 (legal), and we can’t have a 16 year old who might be perceived to be 12.
Most people will be required to eat a Big Mac, which means people have to eat beef
Diárias: 1 dia de filmagem e 1 dia de prova de roupa entre os dias 16 e 23 de Março no RJ. Datas prováveis de filmagen 18, 19 de Março standby dia 20
Americans should sing/chant in a very natural way - almost like they are singing to themselves. It should be like they can't get the song out of their head.
All very natural and conversational. For these guy's have them perform without the music as it seem to make everyone overact.
2 hamburgers, alface, queijo molho especial, cebola, picles, num pão com
The Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles,
onions on a sesame seed bun